Before You Deprecate

Regret is painful.

Making a design or implementation mistake and having to pay for it later can be a significant burden [1] for a library, package or codebase. This burden weighs heavily both on maintainer(s) and on users of the code.

Most of the functionality provided by regret is aimed towards these inevitable moments after a mistake has been made and is to be corrected.

However, there are a number of things that can be done before any mistake has even been made, which may minimize the need for some deprecations, or minimize their damage, or increase the overall trust between you the maintainer and your package’s users.

This document discusses a number of these concerns – things you should do as a maintainer before you even do any deprecations at all.

Have a Policy

The most important thing a maintainer can do ahead of time is to have a clear and understandable deprecation policy.

The policy can be as formal or informal as appropriate, or as may be known ahead of time.

It should clearly communicate what users of a package can expect out of you the maintainer when a deprecation is needed. It may cover any or all of:

  • once a deprecation has been done, how long will it be before the deprecation is finished and the object is removed or changed incompatibly?

  • where or how will deprecations be communicated?

  • how do you the maintainer, or team of maintainers, view backwards compatibility in the context of your package? Is it important? Is it unimportant (sometimes it won’t be!)

  • in the event a backwards incompatible change is made unintentionally, perhaps due to the introduction of a bug, is fixing the backwards incompatibility itself allowed as a backwards incompatibility in a successive release? Does the answer change if the bug is unnoticed for a long while?

  • how will changes to the deprecation policy itself be done?

Your policy will likely fail to predict all of the intricate deprecations that you may need over your package’s long and healthy lifetime. Judgment calls may still have to be made (empathetically), but a policy sets an initial set of guidelines which can be built upon later.

See also

PEP 387

The PEP covering the backwards compatibility policy for Python itself as a language

regret’s Deprecation Policy

regret’s own deprecation policy

Twisted Compatibility Policy

The Twisted project’s deprecation (compatibility) policy

Document Your Public API

A deprecation policy can clarify to users of a package what to expect as the package evolves and changes APIs or objects over time.

Simply specifying how deprecations will be handled however is not enough. Even with a clear policy on how deprecations will be handled, a key additional piece of guidance is needed around what objects or APIs are themselves considered “public” and thereby fall under the deprecation policy [2].

As an uncontroversial non-example to illustrate – the specific layout of lines of code within a package’s source code is essentially never part of a package’s public API. Adding a blank line, or a comment, or even reordering the order in which two functions are defined in a file is essentially universally treated as an acceptable change to make without any indication. This is the case even though in theory [3] a downstream user of the package may have written code that relies on exact line numbers of an object, or on the ordering of definitions of objects within the package.

Within the (Python) community, there is a generally agreed upon set of fundamental norms that most maintainers follow or understand, which covers a portion of this public API definition. But there are a number of areas or subtleties where there is no explicitly discussed standard practice – and in these cases there are maintainers and libraries which conduct themselves in different ways (i.e. which do or do not consider these parts of their API surface to be public or private).

And so – having clear guidelines on what part of a package’s APIs are considered public can be hugely helpful for users who wish to understand when and where they are using a package as intended, and can therefore rely on its policy.

Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of potential API surface that you may need or want to clarify:

  • for “normal” Python function parameters which may be passed either positionally or by name, is the order of parameters considered public and will not change? How about their names? Will they change? How about the kind of parameter itself? Will positional parameters always be passable positionally? Or may a parameter “convert” into a keyword-only one, or vice versa?

  • does the package use a convention to indicate entire modules within it are considered private? (say, mypackage._foo, following that of other Python objects)

  • is the text content of exceptions defined or raised by the package part of its public API, or may they change?

  • which methods on objects are considered part of their public API? Is their __repr__ considered private, even though it otherwise follows public API conventions? Are any other methods considered similarly exceptional to the “rule”?

  • are modules and objects found within the package’s test suite considered public API?

  • are imported objects part of a module’s public API? Can a user of the package assume that if imports bar, even though bar really lives in some other module, that bar will not be removed from Is the answer different if bar is an object defined somewhere in mypackage vs. in an external package?

  • is the layout of your documentation considered public API? More specifically for say, a package documenting itself via Sphinx, will the refs defined for headings be kept over time? Will the overall document structure change? How about links to specific concrete pages as URLs?

  • is being able to raise exceptions defined by your library part of its public API? Or is only catching them considered public?

  • is the number of stack frames your library uses internally to implement a public API itself public API? After all, a downstream library calling into it may be using warnings.warn and be providing a stacklevel parameter relying on it!

  • a class in your library is defined using attrs. Is calling attrs.evolve directly on instances of your class considered public API, and your class is thereby permanently coupled to attrs.evolve’s public API? Or is your use of attrs as a library maintainer simply an implementation detail?

  • a function in your library calls requests.get, a function which has mutable global state – it allows someone to import the library and e.g. define Transport Adapters which, even if done outside your library, affect how it will retrieve the HTTP response. Is your library free to change its HTTP client to another HTTP client even though this will potentially disrupt users who expect their external change to have an effect on your library’s behavior?

  • your package depends on foo>1.2.3. Are these pins part of your public API, and bumping the lower-pinned version of foo a breaking change? Doing so may of course affect users who are using foo==1.2.3 alongside another of their own dependencies.

  • today, your package has no binary (non-Python) dependencies. Is that a permanent promise of its installation “API”?

There are many many more. Think of things that you, a maintainer, rely on from libraries you use, and how many subtleties you wish were clearer.

To be clear, some of the above do have commonly understood answers in the ecosystem – but even beyond resolving the final bits of doubt, there may still be a lot to gain from explicitly confirming each has been considered in the course of changes made to the package.

See also

public API

regret’s own public API definition

The SemVer specification, step 1

which echoes the requirement of defining a clear public API.

jsonschema public API

another example of a public API definition


Having a policy for how you’ll deprecate things, and having a definition of what it is that is subject to deprecation are key steps in setting clear expectations.

The reality is – they’ll never be enough.

End-users of your package will forget or not notice something isn’t part of your public API. Or they’ll knowingly rely on things that aren’t public given “no other” good option for a particular piece of functionality.

Be empathetic! We are all just trying to get our jobs done, whatever they may be.

Empathy in this case means – if you’ve clearly defined something as private, but you nonetheless see thousands of uses of the private API in downstream code, simply take pause. At the very least, this often may indicate either a UX issue in finding the appropriate public APIs (which can be used to improve your package’s overall experience) or the lack of an API entirely.

An API marked “experimental” and not-to-be-relied-upon will still be relied upon if it remains unchanged for a number of years in the wild, and breaking it, while justified, will still break downstream users. Do so knowingly, if you do do so.

You may choose not to remove a private API if it would cause significant breakage due to its evident use. Doing so indicates empathy! (Though, in contrast, not doing so, and removing the API, should not be weaponized into a lack of empathy!)

Take situations like these as ways to improve the clarity of your policies and guidance of your documentation overall, and as ways to build healthy relationships, if that is your decision.


As a final area of consideration, though a challenging one – nothing beats data.

If you as a package author have access to concrete usage data of any kind, use it to make better decisions about your package’s evolution.

In simple cases this may be as simple as answering “can I deprecate support for a particular Python version?” by investigating how many installations of your package are done on the version in question, for which the PyPA provides a dataset that can help. But the same questions can be asked of any API – “how often is this function used? What data would help quantify its use, and can I access it?”.

Any additional data you may have or can easily (and ethically) collect will help drive intelligent and informed decisions.